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Saturday, 14 December 2019

Whipsnade lifer

A bit of a celebrity bird has taken up residence in Whipsnade Zoo - a bird all the way from Thailand! After many pop ups from Twitter and Rare Bird Alert reminding me that there is a RARE bird in the neighbourhood I thought it was worth a punt and to see if I can get another lifer under my belt... its been SO long! (2 years in fact)

With the help of Alex from Whipsnade Zoo (a train commuting friend of Anna's- thank you Alex!!)  and Ian from Tring ressie birding fame (he always knows which way to look and when - I would have missed this if he hadn't been looking in the opposite direction to me) I connected with this fabulous far travelling bird. With eyes firmly on the berries by the siding on the railway at the zoo, Ian spotted cameras pointing at the pig sty. So off we went and lo and behold the little beauty popped up in the tree and smiled at its adoring fans - a lovely looking male BLACK THROATED THRUSH  lifer #307 , probably blown off course from its trip from Asia to wherever it fancied heading for the winter... 
Quite a daily crowd twitching this avian visitor , entry fee £21.30 to the zoo if you want to see it!

Male Black Throated Thrush at Whipsnade Zoo

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