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Sunday, 14 April 2013

Ivinghoe Beacon

A very, very windy day - if not pleasant I went a searching for any local migrants.
As shown below a pair of ouzel on the lower slopes in the usual sheep field and a wheatear right on the top of the beacon.
Linnet, Skylark and Corn Bunting also present at the foot of the hills.
Panoramic view from Ivinghoe Beacon

Male and female Ring Ouzel 

Male Ouzel

Northern Wheatear on the summit

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Pallas's Piccie!

The sun was shining and I had a couple of hours at lunchtime so I went to Moor Green Lakes to see if I could get any photographic evidence of the Pallas's Warbler. Success!! Had really good views too which I nice after about 8 or 9 visits since it was seen a few months ago

Pallas's Warbler, at last...

Pallas's in flight

Some sort of hybrid hanging out with a pair of Egyptian Geese 

Steps Hill

A visit to the hills produced a few CHIFF CHAFF in full song.
Not much else around the hills - a few deer.
Thank goodness for woods is what I say - birdwatchers sh*t in the woods, its a fact.

A visit to Pitstone Quarry - Tufted Duck, Coot, Canada Geese, Chiffchaff, Bullfinch and Great Tit.
Also a distant wader which I think was a Common Sandpiper but in the very corner and distant.

Then onto Startops where plenty of HOUSEMARTIN and SWALLOW were on the surface as well as half a dozen COMMON TERN as well as a couple of Lesser Black Backed Gulls.
Year List up to #113
Chiff Chaff in vocal mode

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Water Rail at Marsworth

I heard from Peter B that a couple of WATER RAIL were showing well from the bind between Marsworth and Startops - so in between a tooth appt and kick boxing I had a quick visit with my out and about lit of Samsung Compaq and Nikon binos - and had pretty good views of the both. Got to hear the call too which was nice to hear. Also a lesser black backed gull on show.
Also visited Wilstone - with a couple of grey and pied wags all on show.
Year list to #109
Water rail at Marsworth - with a compaq! 

Redshank at College Lake

A short birding trip to College Lake on Sunday (packing is a priority right now) - no sign of the black redstart that was seen the previous day. I scoped multiple Snipe, but no Jack Snipe and a couple of COMMON REDSHANK. Year tick #108

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Stone the crows

An unexpected guest at Gallows Bridge Farm near Bicester - a STONE CURLEW. This migrant breeder will have spent the winter in the south of France, and is probably working its way to Salisbury or Norfolk to breed.
Year tick # 107
Stone Curlew at Gallows Bridge Farm

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Godwits near Aylesbury

After my very unpleasant bout of stomach virus, I took an opportunity to go out in the car to Broughton near Aylesbury to see the 19 Black Tailed Godwits that were showing very well just by the canal. It was freezing cold and snowing a little. Didn't hang around long as I was working when I got home. Met a friendly local old timer birder for a quick chat then off.

Black Godwits at Broughton with a Gadwall