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Monday, 25 February 2013

PALLAS'S Lifer #265 at Moor Green Lakes

After about 6 attempts , I finally connected with the elusive PALLAS'S WARBLER this lunchtime.
Started off over the conveyer belt and about an hour of looking moved back to the east side- accompanied by another birder . I spotted it just over head height - looked like a wood warbler from the side - then saw it a couple more times on the river but too many branches etc to get a pic as its a flitty little thing. Nice light green bars and darker greenish wings..Relief to see it - at last. Life tick #265
Long Tailed Tit


Hmm can't see the Pallas's Warbler...

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Swindon Smew fest

A visit to Tall Mark and Em in Swindon produced my best views and only photo of a drake Smew on lake 44 on Cotswold wildlife park.
Coate Water denied me again on the ruddy shelduck front, but produced a fine Great White Egret , as well as a NUTHATCH from the first hide and a SHELDUCK on the lake bring the year total to #80.
 A few Goosander, Reed Bunting, Kingfisher, Teal, Wren, semi albino Blackbird and a jolly good time with our friends in freezing conditions.
You never know Tall1 might even come out and play again now he has a charged battery and a 'cloudy setting' to play around with!!

Who's a pretty boy then
Nuthatch from the hide
Reed Bunting from the hide

GWE at Coate
Tall1,Em,Denz and a midget

Showing well in the cold
Partial Albino Blackbird at Coate 

Pied - Billed Grebe MEGA

A long trek to Somerset via Stonehenge reaped a great view of the mega PIED-BILLED GREBE at Ham Wall, lifer #264.
It should be in the US but has been in Somerset for a week or so
Quite a distant shot on a 300mm lens 

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Tawny year tick

My neighbourly tawny owl was calling yesterday morning so I got up and ventured out to see if I could get a picture. No luck after about half an hour of calling it on the iPhone, but I did see the TAWNY OWL fly between the trees. A rare year tick at the moment bringing my year total to #78

Monday, 18 February 2013

Tawny at Turner Court

If there's anything that going to waken me at half five, its the call of a tawny owl - nice to hear again , will try to get another piccie before we don't live here anymore!!!!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Birds on the back burner - house frenzy!!

House frenzy has taken over our world, sale agreed on the flat and fingers crossed on our hopeful purchase ...
Check out that garden !! 

The garden 

Back of house

View from front

Spacious all round really

Denz next to Turner Court sale agreed!!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Goldeneye on Startops

It's been a very quiet week or so - been travelling to Germany, and little bird action going on locally.
I went to Marsworth to try and see the Bittern or a Water Rail, no luck but saw this Goldeneye on Startops - don't think I have seen one on this Ressie before.
Picture taken through iPhone 5 and scope.
Goldeneye at Startops